Friday, May 14, 2010

Fox News: The Culture of Incompetence

Interview with REP. BART STUPAK, D-MICH.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you have any confidence in the very near future new oil is -- the leak is going to be plugged up or stopped?

STUPAK: No. I think you have to drill the relief wells to finally get it to stop. The top hat they are talking about is pretty dangerous. You have to remove -- or add another blowout preventer. As you do, you could you create a greater gusher than what you have right now.

And this junk shot they're talking about, I don't have a lot of confidence in that, but I'm not an engineer, so maybe it will work. I hope and pray they could stop it right now, today, because the ecological damage to our seafood industry, tourism to that Gulf is going to be tremendous.

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