Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dispersants: a post from the Louisiana coast

Posted by tkrav33
May 03, 2010, 8:11AM

As we all know, the British Petroleum sectioned off part of the Gulf of Mexico has not only taken the lives of 11 people, which were barely mentioned by public officials but has now cost the seafood workers and industry in lower South East La. State a whopping $2.4 Billion dollars.
The U.S. Coast Guard failed miserably when for 2 days they did a total of 20 press conferences and held about 50 meetings with B.P., to get together their talking points instead of searching for the 11 missing, so the reports that they searched for 3 days was a fabrication.
Due to Big Oil drilling and the exploitation of lower La. The entire La. Seafood industry has been under attack for at least the past 50 years. A week ago, B.P., State and Federal Officials knew that this spill was not going to be contained and yet they still didn’t acknowledge that there even was a leak. A few days ago the oil spill had already reached the size of Maryland and the La. Gov Piyush Jindal, still didn’t declare a Federal Emergency. Yesterday it was almost the size of Vermont and the La. Governor still didn’t declare a Federal Emergency. Today the Gov. did declare a Federal Emergency but the oil spill was already 20 minutes from the shore. In the mean time, the bays and bayous have been devastated beyond repair (estimated 3 years of recovery time-AT LEAST) and the Louisiana fishermen and lease owners are once again taking a huge economical/environmental hit due to this being open season.
President Obama held a press conference in the White House’s Rose Garden where he even cracked a joke with reporters about the oil spill in La. Which has turned out to be the worst oil spill in U.S. history.
The B.P. CEO got on television and smirked while talking about this important matter and claimed no responsibility.
It took me 20 years to re-populate oyster leases that oil companies and corrupt officials within the state of La. and Texas had polluted during my grand father's generation and now all of that work is gone!
It takes 20 years to re-populate oysters on bedding grounds and this chemical, which they are flaunting as helping with the oil clean up is toxic, destroys Marine Life and THE OIL COMPANIES MAKE THIS CHEMICAL AND BUY IT FROM THEMSELVES. Louisiana politicians are corrupt and need to be held accountable. They were not in front of this issue.

Want to know more about dispersing agents? This from ITOPF (International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation), "a not-for-profit organization established on behalf of the world's shipowners to promote an effective response to marine spills of oil, chemicals and other hazardous substances."

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